Thursday, August 16, 2012

Jose Swirls Forum Tag

Jose Swirls Forum Tag

I used PSP 9 to make this tag, but it should work in all versions
Animation Shop

Supplies Needed

Tube and Close up of choice- I used a tube and closeup by Jose Cano which can be purchased from Scraps and the City
Please Note, YOU MUST have a license to use any art purchased from Scraps and the City
Template: I used SpawnsFSTemplate058 made by Dave Aka Spawn. You can download this template and many more from his blog HERE
Fonts Used: Pixelade and Janda Swirlygirl

Filters Needed
Eyecandy 4000- Swirl
Mura Meisters-Copies

Lets Get Started!
Open up the template
Shift+D and then close original

Delete the credits layer

Using the dropper tool, select a dark colour of choice and set it as your background
Select the main background layer, select all 
Layers, New Raster layer
and flood fill with the above colour 

Effects, texture effects, blinds with the following settings
both boxes checked

adjust, add/remove noise, add noise
Uniform 15% and monochrome checked

Select None and Delete the main background layer
Delete the Outer Black Dots Layer.

Select the Light Grey Foreground layer
Select all, float and defloat
Layers new raster layer
Flood fill with a gradient of choice
I used the following

Keep selected and duplicate your new layer 2 times for a total of 3 layers
On the first layer use the following Eyecandy 4000 Swirl Settings
When in the swirl, click settings and click Small and twisty, use the default settings

On the first duplicate, repeat the above settings but click random seed and ok
On the second duplicate, repeat and click random seed once and ok
Select none and hide the 2 duplicate layers

Delete the Light Grey Foreground Layer

Copy and paste your close up as a new layer
Resize by 50%
Mura Meisters Copies with the following settings

Crop 600 x 250
Select the Darker Grey Foreground layer
Select all, float and defloat
Selections invert and hit delete on your mura copies layer
select none

Change the blend mode to luminance (L)

Paste your tube as a new layer, position to where you like.
I placed mine to the right and under the border layer
Drop Shadow. I used 2,2,80, 5.00 Black

Crop 600 x 250

If you do not want a white border
Select all, float, defloat
layers, new raster layer and floodfill with colour of choice.
Select none and delete the white border layer

Now is the time to add ©Information and your name
For the ©Information, I use Pixelade, size 10 and Black and give it a gradient glow

For the name, I used Janda Swirlygirl size 72 and colour from my tube.
I also gave it a slight gradient glow and drop shadow

Open up animation shop

In psp, make sure the duplicate layers are hidden, edit, copy merged
Paste as a new animation in animation shop

back to psp, hide the first swirl layer and unhide the 1st duplicate
edit, copy merged
paste after current animation in animation shop

back to psp, hide the first duplicate layer and unhide the 2nd duplicate
edit, copy merged
paste after current animation in animation shop

In animation shop
File, save as
and follow the prompts to save your tag.

Before you close your tag in paint shop, make sure you save a backup incase you are offering your tag as a WWO: )

and your done..

Thankyou for trying my tutorial.

This tutorial was written by Shmelly aka Prettyblueeyes86 on the 16th August 2012
Please do not claim as your own.

The tag below was made by my friend Paula


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 photo Prettyblueeyes86Creations.png

Contact Me

If you wish to contact me, please email me at
Thankyou :)

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My License Numbers

LM87353 and Fan Club Member-Melissa8264015

Terms of Use

These tutorials and any masks, template or scrapkits made are my own creations from my own ideas. Do not steal my tutorials and turn them into your own. You may use these for your own personal use. If you wish to link to my tutorials for use in forum activity challenges, please leave me a shout in my shoutbox with a link to the site you wish to link from. I would love to see creations from my tutorials so if you are posting a tag somewhere you can feel free to leave the link to that in my shoutbox as well, or leave a comment under the tutorial you used. Thank you.
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About Me

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Hi all. Im Shmelly aka prettyblueeyes86. I am 26yrs old and live in Australia with my partner, our daughters Skye and Emily and our pets. If you would like to contact me
